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Maintenance routines to produce on-time, all the time

D-O-W-N. The four-letter word no one wants to hear in injection molding.

In today's plastics injection molding manufacturing world, reliability and repeatability are key in machine performance. Being profitable requires a preventive maintenance strategy and maintenance routines to maintain uninterrupted production.

Picture shows service technicians at ENGEL

Injection molding machines and automation are complex and need continuous monitoring and care to meet a high level of performance. Both well-established and cutting-edge preventive maintenance techniques can be deployed to ensure the injection molding machinery can produce on-time, all the time. What follows is a comprehensive plan you can employ to establish regular preventive maintenance routines for your whole team to maximize your uptime.

Reasons for unwanted stoppage

There are some key reasons why a machine goes down unexpectedly if you don’t follow regular maintenance routines:

  1. One is a machine or operator safety error. If a machine malfunctions and there’s a safety error, we must stop the press immediately, make the needed repairs, and then get it back into production.
  2. The next reason an injection molding machine can go down is when a production or process parameter is outside the limit. The temperature is too high (or low), the oil is too hot, or the clamping force is not reached.
  3. Another reason for unwanted stoppage is an alarm caused by a machine malfunction. There are a whole host of alarms we can encounter that will also bring about unscheduled downtime. Some examples include when there is a primary safety device or a locking plate is not in position, or a nozzle guard is open.

Preventive maintenance routine: Walk-around inspections for the machine operator

So now it’s time to get to the how-tos your team can employ to reduce unscheduled downtime. These should be routine maintenance procedures for every machine operator. At the start of each shift, it is extremely vital for them to do a basic walk-around:

  1. The operator should first make sure that the guards are in place and closed and that the Plexiglas isn’t broken. This will guarantee that the airflow can adequately cool the hydraulic cabinet.
  2. The next step is to ensure that the emergency stops are mounted to the machine and in good working order. They should be in a stationary position and not hanging loosely off the machine.
  3. Another vital check for the operator is to make sure that the main disconnect is intact and can perform a lockout/tagout. Additionally, all of the electrical cabinet doors have to be closed and secured.
  4. Next, the fluid levels must be checked to secure that they are within the required parameters. This includes hydraulic oil, the lifeblood of the machine; lubrication oil for the ways and the slides; and the gear oil to keep the plasticizing unit lubricated and cool.
  5. As part of the maintenance routine, the operator must perform a clear site inspection to check for oil leak points - that should take no longer than about three minutes.

Preventive maintenance routine: Walk-around inspections for the maintenance team

Since every injection molder is different, it is up to the individual company to decide on the frequency of a maintenance routine. This is a second-level inspection that goes beyond, and works in tandem with, the machine operator’s operational and functional injection molding machine inspection.

  1. At first they will pay attention to the current state of equipment. Are there oil leaks? Is the machine overheating? These and other questions must be answered and recorded.
  2. As a part of the maintenance team’s walk-around inspection, they should physically inspect the pump group, the electrical connections and plugs for any damage or wear. Additionally, they need to make sure all the conduits are effective, and connectors are engaged, and have the proper strain relief.
  3. Be wary of loud or abnormal noises when performing maintenance routines. For example, when the machine reaches full clamping force or it is dropping clamping force and you hear a loud bang, this can be indicative of a decompression issue. Also pay close attention to the pump case temperature. The smart pumps on the machines can get hot quickly when running an accelerated cycle time.
  4. Next on the list for the maintenance team to check are the hydraulic manifolds. Most injection molding machines today have catch basin for oil collection, which means it is necessary to be even more vigilant for oil leaks.

Preventive maintenance routine: ENGEL service support

The day-to-day activity can be overwhelming to a fast-paced manufacturing environment. ENGEL provides goods and services to ease and support our customers’ operations and maintenance routines. Not only can we help get your ENGEL machine running at its optimal level, we can also offer services to help lengthen the life cycle of the machine:

  1. The benefits of bringing in an ENGEL field service technician, is that we will get the job done right because we know everything about ENGEL injection molding machines. We bring calibrated test equipment, a validated process, and documentation of the complete maintenance visit kept on file at the home office. ENGEL technicians can also fine-tune your machines to optimum performance to fit your specific processes.
  2. The next major benefit of ENGEL service support is that we are here for your convenience. We are here to also provide on-site support for the task hand as well as serve as an extra on-site resource when performing maintenance routines, as needed.
  3. ENGEL service support technicians can also save you time and money with special preventive maintenance packages. Our offerings include complimenting your existing with a review of your machinery along with a checklist of concerns that need to be addressed.  Read more about ENGEL care!

Preventive maintenance made easy with ENGEL

TIP: The most overlooked preventive maintenance methods

When doing preventive maintenance to avoid unwanted downtime, it is important not to overlook some key maintenance routine checks. A reliable method is to use our sense of smell. In many cases, a possible failure can start out with a minor smell, like the smell of burning plastic could indicate a nozzle leak. The next sense we can use is hearing. Listening to your injection molding machine is a very important part of your maintenance routine and to preventing unwanted downtime. A sound that is not normal could indicate an issue, as for example, the whine of a hydraulic pump.

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Unscheduled downtime: the four-letter word
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Molding Industry Business Advisor
ENGEL Canada Inc.

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Markus Lettau
Molding Industry Business Advisor
ENGEL Canada Inc.
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