ENGEL Global

digital solutions

Picture shows support bracket production in Arad at Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst
Susanne Zinckgraf
by Susanne Zinckgraf

Using online support to optimise the production process

performance.boost by ENGEL accelerates production start at Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst in Romania

Focus on digital products, and not just for urgent service cases. performance.boost by ENGEL also provides support during commissioning and in the on-going process.

reading time approx. 6 minutes

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Bild zeigt virtuelles Teamwork in der Produktion über Online Support Tool e-connect.24 zwischen ENGEL und Helvoet
Stephen Zylinski
by Stephen Zylinski

Digital customer service in machine manufacturing

Successful collaboration between ENGEL and Helvoet in digital process optimisation
reading time approx. 3 minutes
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Jens Thor Hansen
Managing Director
ENGEL Danmark A/S

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