ENGEL Global

Injection moulding knowledge for the production of the future

Interview with ENGEL training experts from three continents

ENGEL supports its customers with extensive injection moulding knowledge by training and further education. The range is now being expanded. Our training experts talk about the reasons and topics of the new training courses in an interview.

Picture shows interview with international training experts

The injection moulding industry is constantly changing: new challenges such as the shortage of skilled workers challenge us. The technical know-how required for injection moulding machines is also constantly evolving.
Kathrin Neunteufel-Steyer, Head of Training at ENGEL in Austria, talks to Boris Wen and Gabriel Cisneros from the Shanghai and Mexico locations about the reorientation of the training offer.

Ms Neunteufel-Steyer, what is the motivation for reorganising the training programme?

Neunteufel-Steyer: The requirements of our customers have changed. One trigger for this is the shortage of skilled workers, which is now clearly noticeable in all areas. ENGEL is responding to this on various levels. In addition to our product range with more and more digital solutions, new service concepts and consulting offers, training plays a key role. We are expanding our training offer. There are no longer only standard training courses, but also more in-depth offers around injection moulding knowledge. We call this "seminars with vision". For this, we are working even more closely with partners. In some countries we offer training with an independent certificate - and not just for ENGEL customers.

Wen: The range of topics covered in our training courses is broadening. We expect a lot from this, especially for our customers here in China. Plastics are being used in more and more areas and are replacing other materials. In addition, innovative technologies are opening up new possibilities for efficient, integrated production. These trends mean that processing technologies are becoming more complex. This is where we come in with our training offer. We support our customers in getting the most out of the production cell. Only training gives the machine a soul.

What new topics can be found in the training offer?

Neunteufel-Steyer: Digitalisation is not yet fully tangible for many processors. However, the use of intelligent assistance systems, for example, offers the possibility to produce in high quality. Even if qualified personnel are not present in every shift. On the subject of set-up, we have set up a new workshop where we instruct the training participants to optimise their set-up processes. We call this software solution Setup Assistant. We have also expanded the range of products and services on the topics of sustainability and energy efficiency. In Europe, the question of how to reduce energy consumption in injection moulding is increasingly determining competitiveness. Modern injection moulding technology - especially in combination with digital solutions - offers great leverage. In our training courses, we impart the necessary injection moulding knowledge and show where it can best be implemented in practice.

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Mr Wen, Mr Cisneros, are these the issues that also concern processors in China and Mexico?

Wen: Set-up is also an important topic here in China. Here, companies have a lot of potential to simplify their processes. The digitalisation trend is strongly reflected in the training on offer - also against the background of energy efficiency. Digital assistance systems do a lot when it comes to saving energy.

Cisneros: For us in Latin America, the demand for injection moulding knowledge on the topic of digitalisation is strong, but the focus is different. Our customers are primarily concerned with the question of how production efficiency and productivity can be increased. However, energy efficiency is gaining in importance.

To what extent do you tailor the offer to local requirements?

Cisneros: The main motivation to book training is the achievable process improvement thanks to additional injection moulding knowledge. That's why we offer training in machine operation for specific process technologies. We are in the process of developing further new offers for this, which also very much take future topics into account. "Scientific Injection Moulding" is a new training offer.

Wen: We pay a lot of attention to basic injection moulding knowledge and troubleshooting in China. There is no standardised vocational training here like in Europe. In addition, there is a lot of dynamism in the market. So our customers have the challenge of constantly training new employees who previously did something completely different. We do training in our clients' companies - focused on what the staff there actually need.

How do you find out what the training participants actually need?

Cisneros: We work a lot with knowledge tests. Based on the results, we work out a roadmap with the customer that shows the injection moulding knowledge needs of the individual teams.

Neunteufel-Steyer: We often work closely with our clients' HR departments. On the one hand, when it comes to individually tailored training offers, but also for the selection of the right basic training courses. Individual training courses are often project-related. The occasion may be the introduction of a new technology, for example. Some of these training courses take place directly at the customer's production site. However, some companies also decide to come to ENGEL's training centre with their entire team so that the participants can concentrate solely on the training.

With the foammelt conference or the med.con medical technology conference, ENGEL has established major conference series that attract a lot of international attention. Will there be changes here as well?

Neunteufel-Steyer: Yes, new topics are added that expand knowledge in injection moulding. In autumn we will start with the " Green Production  ". For the premiere, the conference will be held in Austria. The lectures and discussion rounds will be about energy saving and climate protection. Networking among the participants is very important at our conferences. Energy prices have risen sharply in Central Europe. This topic affects the entire industry, so the potential to benefit from exchanges with professional colleagues is great. Participants will take away many practical tips and acquire new injection moulding knowledge that can be directly integrated into everyday life.

What role do partnerships play for ENGEL when it comes to serving customers with new injection moulding knowledge?

Neunteufel-Steyer: Partners from the education sector are an important building block for us to expand our training portfolio. In Central Europe, for example, we work with the SKZ in Würzburg and the KIMW in Lüdenscheid. There are also cooperations with Austrian educational institutions such as the FH Oberösterreich.

Cisneros: Vision - that's our motto here, too. We want to impart  knowledge that goes beyond injection moulding, ENGEL products and technologies. This is only possible with partners. In Mexico, for example, this is Langer Molds and Tools. When we have events on the topic of foam injection moulding, speakers and trainers from Trexel are there.

Wen: That's how we do it in China, too. We invite partner companies from the fields of raw materials, toolmaking or simulation to organise seminars and workshops together with us. For our customers, this makes participation even more colourful and valuable.

New technologies require practice and more injection moulding knowledge. Only relevant training gives the machine a soul.

Picture shows training manager at ENGEL Machinery Shanghai
Boris Wen, Training Manager at ENGEL Machinery Shanghai

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More about our products from the article

Injection moulding training

Training in the areas of operation, process engineering, maintenance, inject 4.0 and energy efficiency.

Seminars with a broader view

In-depth injection moulding knowledge in addition to standard training.

reading time approx. 11 minutes
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