ENGEL Global

Exclusive insights: ENGEL launches its own blog

Interview with Ute Panzer, Vice President Marketing and Communications

Customer wishes and requirements drive ENGEL to become even better every day. In launching its own blog, the machine manufacturer invites its customers, partners and prospects to follow it on this exciting path.

Picture shows Vice President Marketing and Communications, Ms Ute Panzer in an interview with the blog editorial team

Ms Panzer, ENGEL has launched its own blog on the company website and expanded its offerings in the field of virtual communications. What prompted this move?

Securing your expertise advantage and expanding your contact network are key success factors and will become even more important the faster the developments progress. Communication needs to take this dynamic into account. The demand for compact information that is available online at all times, and that precisely meets the respective information needs, is increasing. A blog covers these information acquisition needs in a very good way.

What benefits do you see in this format?

This online format offers three major benefits. Firstly, there is the dynamic. We can very quickly fill in our customers and interested parties on our latest developments. Then there is the wide range of different perspectives. We assume different viewpoints, to reflect the fact that our customers face different challenges. And thirdly, there is the direct contact with our experts. Our passion for injection moulding, for innovative technologies and services is very much evident in the blog posts. The spirit of our family business. All blog content is personalised and the authors are familiar faces. Experts whose contacts with our customers go back many years, and who are very much familiar with their individual requirements. Feedback and questions from the readers are definitely welcome. The blog actively promotes a direct exchange.

The demand for compact information that is available online at all times, and that precisely meets the respective information needs, is increasing. A blog covers these information acquisition needs in a very good way.

Ute Panzer, Vice President Marketing and Communications ENGEL Austria

What can readers look forward to in terms of content?

The blog posts offer insights into the ENGEL universe. What are we currently working on? Which new products have been launched? What experiences do our customers have with ENGEL solutions? What is happening in the ENGEL Group around the world? – And all of this is tailored to the different needs of the readers. From developers, through production staff and maintenance personnel, to buyers and CEOs – everyone can find the information relevant to them. The blog is a dynamic format. New topics are constantly added. Our experts jointly offer a wealth of knowledge and experience. And they pass on both in the blog.

Do you have an example for us?

Covid-19 has enormously accelerated the digitalisation of business processes. In one of the first blog posts, Stephen Zylinski, product manager in the Service Division, reports on a process optimisation project that was carried out in a completely virtual way due to travel and contact restrictions – and with such great success that the approach has set a precedent for future projects.

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reading time approx. 3 minutes

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